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Funtastic Dental

All information about Funtastic Orthodontics

Why does my tooth still hurt after a filling?

When a person has a cavity and decaying tooth issue Dentists will always recommend filling teeth to get rid of this problem. Fillings are safe and effective but for some people, it will create discomfort and sensitivity issues. The Goal of the cavity is to provide easiness and comfort for their patients. During the treatment of filling, the Dentist will fill the holes with a substance like an amalgam or composite. It’s a very simple procedure but sometimes leaves with sensitive teeth afterward. Most of the people asked the question of what I will feel After a Filling.


Funtastic orthodontics before Filling the Dentist would be numb the area and you would not feel anything within two to three hours whereas you would feel sensation in your mouths like pain in your teeth when breathing, drinking and eating. You will feel tenderness in your gums and pain in your teeth.


When clenching teeth, you will experience a feeling of pain in the surrounding of filling. Several reasons can cause tooth sensitivity after filling. Before doing a filling, your dentist will remove the decayed part of your teeth with the use of the drill and in some cases this process creates Pulpitis. After that, you may feel swelling in your gum or pain around the teeth.


Sometimes it makes the affected tooth taller than your other teeth. This situation will create a lot of disturbance and painful situation for you due to extra pressure on the affected tooth It can also crack the filling.


So, after filling if you face the problem with your biting contact your Funtastic orthodontics a soon as you can feel sensitivity gold crown or silver filling in your mouth. it will create an odd sensation whey they touch. Sensitivity or allergic reaction is also a common factor after filing makes a harsh or itchy condition nearby.

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